4 Week Writing Diary Challenge

I have absolutely nothing to do in July. No classes. No social responsibilities. Nothing.

This is no accident. I need to write! For the next four weeks, I plan to stick to a strict writing schedule to get my work in progress to a proper draft and my first novel in decent enough shape for presentation. These are not the same pieces of writing.

WIP: young adult christian fiction.
First Novel: women’s travel fiction.

Am I setting myself up for failure? Probably! But you don’t get anywhere without pushing yourself and I have carefully explained to myself that the following goals are IDEAL, not expected.

Mon-Fri Daily Schedule:

7:30-8:30 Walk a little up the mountain to sit in my favourite spot for daily devotional.
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and shower etc.
9:30-12:30 2,000-3,000 words/a chapter of WIP
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-4:30 Edit 2 chapters of First Novel.

Weekends are family time, so I only have one goal: write a draft of a short story. Micro fiction is a great way to refresh my mind and keep working on my writing skills.

There is plenty of wiggle room in this for three reasons: social needs/appointments, travel to cafes or meetings, and my rebellious attitude to schedules.

I love making a schedule but I hate following it. I need the basic goals, but I want to do it my way each day.

I’ll be writing a weekly diary, with a short story or two, so please come back and check on my progress as a full time writer for the month.
